Quite a few people liked this blog and I am feeling very guilty for neglecting it so. It’s like when you forget to call a friend back and then you’re too ashamed to call and remind them of how useless you are and it drags on and on until one of you has the good grace to die. But today I am lifting weights off my brain in preparation for the holidays.
My excuse. I have, let’s call them, digestive issues. In an attempt to fix these issues I have been seeing a broad variety of witch doctors and medical professionals in some kind of mad doctor scavenger hunt. One of these wonderful individuals, no really she is actually lovely and fairly qualified, has me avoiding fructose and fructans. Let’s not discuss the science because it’s shit-boring and I won’t take your advice. The long and short of it is this means avoiding A LOT of fruit and veg, including onions. Avoiding onions is both difficult and annoying.
The impact of this on Meating People is two-fold. Firstly, as previously mentioned, I am a whiny child who does not like to be deprived of things. This means I feel very sad and cranky at trying to avoid the list of foods I may be absorbing craply AND avoiding meat that isn’t friendly and happy. So, there’s my lame excuse. The better excuse is that these restrictions make it much, much harder to achieve what I wanted. If I’m out for a meal I’m often faced with no ethical meat options, before these restrictions I would just go with the vegetarian choice. Nine times out of ten the vegetarian choice is out of bounds under my current eating regime. I can eat the sad meat or I can go without food on that occasion. It’s a pretty sad state of affairs how often this is the case. And that is why I’ve been avoiding updating fellow ethical meat eaters. At the moment it’s just really hard to be strict about this.

All of that said, it doesn’t mean I’m not trying. Given the choice I will always choose free range and I still have a massive interest in this movement. I also still love animals including baby goats. I think this whole thing is similar to the campaign for equal marriage rights. Wait, that sounds wrong, bear with me here. Both movements are gaining momentum and strength and face their biggest obstacle in apathy but I have a lot of faith that they are trains which cannot be stopped. Since I last wrote here there have been some big campaigns and announcements from players in the food industry, about ethical and sustainable meat that is though I’m sure people in the food industry care about equal marriage rights too.
What I propose, friends, is that I try to still update here with star cafes and big announcements in the free-range and ethical food stakes and that you forgive me for not being able to put my money where my mouth is. Deal? Deal.
My fellow eater has also had a lot of things going on in his busy life and busy brain but I shall let him speak for himself, should he choose to.
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